Tuesday, May 26, 2009
#3 Albies
Posted by Summer Freeman at 3:53 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day
The kids are home from school today because of Memorial Day. We have 10 days left of school!! I know for all you who are out, this seems insane, same to me. Wish our state could figure it out!! We aren't doing much. Hopefully we will make it to the cemetary today. I hope that I can talk Eric into moving the girls to BC Cemetary. It would be so much easier to go then. We haven't had anything to exciting happen. Oh yeh, yesterday I opened the door to let Brek go outside and a bird flew in. It must have been a baby because it couldn't find it's way out. After it hit the wall a couple of times, it gave up and Eric caught it and took it outside. The best thing was Summer screaming and screaming. She claims she likes animals but she sure doesn't want anything to do with them when they're around. It was fun!! We did get to have dinner with mom and dad last night and Mom's cousin came from 3-cities and A. Kathy. We played a mean game of scrabble and had a fun time. Other than that, we don't have too much going on.
Posted by Summer Freeman at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Albies #2
For my $3.17 here is what I got. I would have spent $87.66, saving of $84.49
2 Triscuit-Free with overage with $1 coupon/doubler - were $1.47/each
6 Wheat thins-Free with overage with $1 coupon/doubler- were $1.47/each
5 Smores makings-(buy marsh, choc, crackers for $7 get $3 off), $1 coupon/doubler - $2/each
4 hotdogs $.99 $1/2 coupon/doubler-Free
Posted by Summer Freeman at 12:30 PM 2 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Albies deals
OK, most recent deal at Albies.
8 cereal-Free $2.50 -$1 coupon with $1 doubler Buy 4, get them at a$1.50 each
5 Miracle Whip $2.00-Free-$1 coupon with $1 doubler
3 Kraft Cheese $1.88 with in store coupon-$1/2 coupon with $1/2 doubler. I paid $4.64
2 Yoplait yogurt 2/$5-$1.00 coupon with $1 doubler (buy 4 items get instant $3 savings)
2 Warm delights 2/$5-$.55 coupon with $.55 doubler
(I can't quite remember the math on these last 3 items but I ended up paying a total of $7.76 for all my groceries.
Posted by Summer Freeman at 7:45 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Bike vs. PU
I get a phone call from Eric yesterday, "I just ran over Bode's bike."
Posted by Summer Freeman at 7:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Walmart finds
Here's what my $13.91 bought me at Walmart. Costs of items
13-toothpastes $.97 ($1 off) +$.39
2-Johnson Buddies $.97 ($1 off) +$.06
12-Hersery's dark chocolate bars $1 ($1 off) FREE
5-BBQ sauce $.97 ($1 off) +$.15
6-Sure DO $1.78 ($1.50 off) -$1.68
1-Speed stick $1 ($.75 off) -$.25
2-Lady's speed $1 ($.75 off 2) -$1.25
5-Pads $1 ($.75 off) -$1.25
3-Miracle Whips $1.82 ($1 off) -$2.46
1 Miracle whip squeeze $2 ($1 off) -$1
3-Dish soap $4.50 ($2.50 off) -$6
4-Halls $1.18 ($1 off) -$.72
TOTAL $13.91
Posted by Summer Freeman at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sis Reunion
This last pic is for Erica and Ki. We saw this statue on our way east. Way off in the distance, we saw it coming up and Mijken and I were talking excitedly about it. "Oh look, a cool looking rock, oh ahh!!" As we got closer I said, "It looks like Ab Lincoln, don't you think?" Getting closer still, DUH!! It's a monument dedicated to Lincoln. We thought we had found some amazing rock formation that nobody had discovered before. Yeh, not really, it's man made, put there on purpose! Erica and Ki, who have seen it several times thought it was hilarious!
Posted by Summer Freeman at 9:41 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Posted by Summer Freeman at 4:38 PM 3 comments
Walgreens, I got a deal
Well with my $8.28, this is what I got at Walgreens. Yes that would be 2 FREE MOVIE TICKETS!! I would have spent $57.73! Isn't that cool. I think I'm going to try again to do this deal so that I can get enough tickets for our family to go!!
Posted by Summer Freeman at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Happy B-day Bode
In all of the hoopla of a trip and coming home, Bode decided to be born today 6 years ago. Actually he was born at 10:02pm so he's not OFFICIALLY 6 yet. We celebrated last night. He got CARS, cars, a bike, bubble machine from Lexi
and the infamous swimming towel that all my kids get for each of their birthdays. He also wanted ice cream cake
(which I didn't have ANY of and there's still some left). It was a fun FHE because first I made everyone work in the yard, weed my flower bed and plant my new flowers.
Posted by Summer Freeman at 7:44 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Nebraska here we come!
Nebraska is a neat place. It's fun to see different parts of the country and really this is the farthest east I've ever been other than layovers in airports. Some neat sites that we have seen
The biggest bone yard/junk yard in the states!!
Posted by Summer Freeman at 10:31 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Lexi's Co2 Car
Next, we peeled the tape off and made a few adjustments to the so called "paint job"Here's some pictures of the finished product:
Posted by Summer Freeman at 3:25 PM 0 comments