by an incredible feeling of love and comfort. I have a little story to tell. We are in the middle of preparing for our Blue and Gold Banquet for Cubs. I had gotten online at Costco and ordered pictures and then forgot about them even when my other den mom was going to Costco. Now here it is 2 days before the party and I'm missing about 100 pictures that are being used in the centerpieces. I sent out the plea for help. I was sinking!! There was no way I could make a trip to Costco, make 100 ribbon jellos, decorate for a 100 year old birthday party, attend VB practice(which I'm not attending) and do all the other things that moms have to do. And as I saw myself going down, you (several of you) heard my cries for help and threw me a lifeline. I sent an email to the 2 RS in our area and I was saved by so many of you. My VTee even offered her husband to pick up pictures for me!! Thank you so much for your true devotion to our Savior. Although this may seem like a small thing, it was a huge thing to me! You have truly saved me in my hour of desperation. Thank you so much. I have been taught by you good women. Going a little out of your way and really helping someone is a good thing. You saved me. Thank you.
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3 hours ago
what does anyone do with out this great church?? We have moved so many times and can always count on the RS wherever we go!!
You live in a good town/ward
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