For Sale: Blue Tractor. Can be used for many things including but not limited too...
1. Spraying an orchard
2. Moving bins around the orchard
3. Mowing an orchard or other areas that a small tractor can get in to that a larger tractor can't, like your yard or pasture that has risers in it.
4. A form of transportation for your employees to travel from one field to another so you don't have to provide vehicles for them to drive.
And the lastest and greatest
5. To pull a much bigger loader tractor that isn't working?? around because it has the horse power to do it.Ok, these guys drive regularly past my house all the time going from one orchard to another. This was an interesting site this morning when I saw the small tractor pulling the big tractor. They were going VERY slow you know to be safe and make sure there were no mishaps. But why, why are they pulling this tractor behind them? It obviously works or they couldn't have gotten it on the trailer. If it just went to slow, they were going slow probably slower than they would be going if they were driving it. I know, they are doing an ad for Kabota!!! That's got to be it. I actually really like these guys. They always wave and slow down when they drive past and have even stopped and moved a child out of the road for me.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Advertisement for an orchard tractor
Posted by Summer Freeman at 7:40 AM 2 comments
Monday, July 19, 2010
Waves of amber grain...
We are sitting in a firepit, woodbox, ashtray-right now because our wheat is on the verge of being ready to harvest. It looks beautifuluntil you see the kosha in the background. Yes, we have received a letter from the weed control that we need to take care of our weeds.
No fires allowed by our house for a while!!
Posted by Summer Freeman at 4:42 PM 1 comments
Nothin' happening here
We really have nothing going on. We're not in charge of the 24th of July so we aren't doing anything with that. It is the boat races this weekend, don't know if we will go or not. Lexi's VB game got cancelled so don't have to do that. Really all we need to do is clean!! Bet my kids are goin' love that!!
Posted by Summer Freeman at 9:22 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Posted by Summer Freeman at 9:00 AM 2 comments
Friday, July 9, 2010
Summer's b-day
Here's the one picture I have of Summer's birthday. We celebrated at Gma Nielson's house with Kache and Ryder and Dallie. She got make-up, nylons, a dress and someday, maybe, if we ever make it to town-her ears pierced.
Posted by Summer Freeman at 5:09 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 5, 2010
This is why smart farmers can't set off fireworks in our little rural area because some usmart people went down in a very sagebrushy area and set off fireworks and caught the whole basin on fire. These pictures are taken from Corrales' home looking toward the north (Othello) on N Wahluke. This is Satakes' home. The flames were close and yes the local farmers who set out fireworks later that evening were given a ticket for it. Sad that people have to ruin it for everyone!!
Posted by Summer Freeman at 11:49 AM 1 comments
Answering ?s
Ok these pictures are all out of order and it's hard to tell the story but it's to difficult to move everything around so good luck!!
You drove through this flag drapped over the park entrance.Ok, odd to have this in the parade but last night I saw it again coming off the flat bed because someone lit fireworks off down in the draw below Davidsons and Klinkers old house and caught the whole place on fire. It burned right up to Odermotts house, Satakes house, right along N. Wahluke, Grays house. The firefighters were working all day long.
If you look at the people on the ground you can kind of get the feel for how large this flag is. And I didn't know that Othello and Connell both had ladder trucks?!!

Posted by Summer Freeman at 7:35 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The 4th, well on the 3rd
Yep, I was co-in charge of the BC parade this year again. It was on the large scale because we had a fire fighter die in the line of duty and the firefighters from around the state came to honor him. We had 87 emergency vehicles in our parade, tripling the size of it. (at least) Here are some pictures taken by the Tri-City Herald. I left my camera at home!! In this picture Bode is on the bottom of the screen by the pink chair. Eric, mom, Brek and I are all standing back behind the blue pick-up. Lexi is standing behind the flag. All you can see of her are her legs.Summer is in this picture with her back to us. She is wearing red with the red, white and blue ribbons in her hair. She was serving food (watermelon).
This is a picture of all the fire trucks parked down at the park. It was really cool to see.
Posted by Summer Freeman at 1:25 PM 1 comments